Our MyLab Diagnostic Centre efficient, competent, fast and reliable laboratory diagnostic services to serve the livestock industry.
Newcastle Virus, LBV, LBD, Reovirus, AE, Mycoplasma Gallisepticum, Mycoplasma Synoviae, Chicken Anemia Virus, PCV.
Aujeszky’s Disease G1, Aujeszky’s Disease Gb, PRRS, CSFV, M.Hyopneumonia, HI Method, Edshi, Ndhi.
Post Mortem Chicken, Fungus, Yeast & Mould Identification, Bacteria Identification & Isolation.
Mineral, Protein, Total Energy, Crube Fat, Crube Fibre, Carbohydrate, Moisture, Ash.
Mineral, Heavy Metal, PH, Iron, Total Hardness, Salinity, Barium, Beryllium, Chromium, Cyanide, Fluoride, Lead, Nickel, Nitrite, Thallium, Aluminium, Nitrate, Sulfate.
Total Bacteria Agar (TPC), Yeast & Mould Count Agar (SDA), Nutrient Agar (NA), Mac Conkey, TSA, Buffer Peptone Water, Cotton Swab, Gauze, Eppendorf, Syringe & Needle.
Chloramphenicol (ELISA), Chloramphenicol (LCMS), Tetracyclines (HPLC), Tetracyclines (LCMS), Nitrofuran (LCMS), Nitrofuran (ELISA), Sulphanamide Group (BKCS).
please contact our Head of MyLab Diagnostic Wan Nor Amalina at wannoramalina@mvp.com.my or mylab@mvp.com.my or you may contact at the laboratory at 03-8922 3508.